Andrew Jones | Carba

Dr. Andrew Jones is an entrepreneur, engineer, scientist, and inventor. He is the founder and CEO of Carba, a carbon removal company. Carba is mitigating the worst effects of climate change by permanently removing billions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with a novel approach for reversing coal mining and putting carbon back underground. He is also the founder and CEO of Activated Research Company (ARC), an innovation firm that develops analytical technology for scientists. ARC’s portfolio of products includes a novel NSF-funded detector for pharmaceutical drug development, world-leading technology for CO2 measurement, and tools for analyzing biofuels. He and his work have been the recipient of several awards including the Neil Armstrong Award of Excellence, Astronaut Scholarship, R&D100, NSF Graduate Fellow, 35 and Under Young Entrepreneur Award, and MN Cup Energy/Clean Tech winner. He holds four patents.


Laura Horner


Luke Jones